Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood
The pre-postulancy period entails correspondence and personal contact with the candidate and a period of residence in the enclosure of at least two months. During postulancy, candidates are introduced to religious life in general, contemplative life in particular, and the spirit of the Foundress, with studies in theology, scripture, liturgy and other disciplines.
Entrance into the novitiate, which lasts two years, is preceded by a five-day retreat. The purpose of the novitiate is the intense spiritual and religious formation of the novice so that she may learn to live in intimate union with Christ in the mystery of His Precious Blood. Temporary profession follows for three years, then perpetual profession.
Sisters of the Precious Blood
400 Pratt Street
Watertown, NY 13601-4238
315-788-1669 | Fax: 315-779-9046
© Sisters of the Precious Blood